What are the drawbacks to veneers?
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Are there Healthy Alternatives to Dental Veneers?
What are the drawbacks to veneers?
Friday, November 18, 2011
Why are humans the only animals to take meticulous care of their teeth?
Thursday, November 3, 2011
"iPad in the Clinic" Dr. Berd featured in The Progressive Dentist Magazine
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Dr. Oz's Sharecare.com and Dr. Berd are Teaming Up to Answer Dental Health Questions!
Sharecare was co-founded by Dr. Oz, a physician who first began fielding medical questions on “The Oprah Show” and now hosts “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Jeff Arnold, creator of WebMD.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Spotlight on Dr. Berd in San Francisco Dental Society's The Bridge Magazine
Monday, August 15, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Live Healthy by Buying Healthy It Will Save You Money
This is a great video and shows how you can live healthy by buying your food in bulk at costco. If you buy healthy, you will always eat healthy. Remember the key to losing weight is diet and exercise.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Dental Leadership Conference in Chicago
Hot Topics discussed at the conference included; how will we, as a dental profession and as a nation overcome issues with ‘access to dental care’? The ADA is strategically restating the issue as ‘barriers to care’, in order to focus more on the obstacles our profession faces. Will there be a mid-level dental provider, and what kind of impact will it make on dental care?
Chicago is an amazing host city--modern, industrial, innovative--like New York, but without the attitude! In addition to sightseeing at Navy Pier and Millennium Park, I toured the ADA Headquarters Building. The American Dental Political Action Committee also sponsored a night at the House of Blues, and the group of new dentists that came from all over the nation became instant friends at the conference.
I am looking forward to attending ADA’s 26th New Dentist Conference in Washington DC!'
Friday, June 10, 2011
Philanthropy in Dentistry: Creating a Career by Helping Others

I was recently asked by a dental student 'What is the true calling of a doctor?' This caught me a little off-guard and I had to think for a minute. I recalled a promise I made to myself the day I graduated from the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry-to improve the oral health of my community-. 'In my mind a doctor's true calling is to place service above self' I answered the dental student.
We may not mention it but when we are called 'doctor' we are filled with pride. When our patient says to us 'Thank you doctor, for stopping my pain' and 'Thank you for my smile' we are filled with gratitude. As dentists, we feel compelled to give back to our communities and volunteering is a great way to do this.
Volunteering Local
Volunteerism is part of the humanistic spirit that my instructors in dental school inspired in me and it is a large part of who I am now. The American Dental Association and its local chapter, the San Francisco Dental Society, encourage members to actively give back to our communities. Fortunately, there is no shortage of opportunities to volunteer in San Francisco, including pro bono work at the office, kindergarten screening programs, and helping out with Project Homeless Connect, just to name a few.
Project Homeless Connect
Every 2 months 1,000 community volunteers partner together to meet the medical and dental needs of San Francisco's estimated 8,000 homeless people. The volunteers include health care professionals, students, non-profit organizations and people that simply wish to help out.
For me the volunteer day began at 8am, screening patients at the Bill Graham Civic Center. There was a long line of eager and ill patients but my colleagues and I, along with help from local University and Dental School students, successfully triaged the needs of the homeless participants. The afternoon was spent providing dental treatment, including emergency extractions, fillings and dental cleanings.
Ultimately, we were able to accomplish in one day what might normally take months. Volunteering with PHC was the type of rewarding experience I will carry with me throughout my entire dental career. I encourage my dental colleagues, as well as San Franciscans, to come give a helping hand and serve your community.
About the author: Dr. Josh Berd is a San Francisco General and Cosmetic Dentist, a graduate of the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry, and a member of the San Francisco Dental Society. To learn more or to contact Dr.Berd visit www.JoshTheDentist.com.
Friday, May 27, 2011
How to Stay Healthy and Lose Weight Without Fancy Equipment or Secret Diets
Many people are looking for secret diets, and spending money on fancy equipment just to try to stay healthy and lose some pounds. Their is no secret diet except cutting quantity, eating healthy, and cutting back on sugar. That is how you keep on track with living a healthy lifestyle, but thats only one side. The other side is exercise. You always will need to exercise on top of changing your diet. You don't need some cutting edge equipment to stay in shape and exorcise. The best over all work out you can do is a good cardio work out that involves running if you are younger, or just even walking if you are older. When you start off it will be hard, but if you keep going you will find that you can walk or run more and more each and every day. It's ok to start off slow, in fact that is exactly how you do it, so you don't end up too sore to want to do it again the next day. Make sure you are consistent with your running/walking and do it every day. These 2 things are all you need to know if you want to lose weight. Keep on going, you can do it.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Overcoming Dental Anxiety

A dental visit can be a highly emotional experience. Often, it is our first experience in the dentist chair that shapes our attitudes towards the dental profession, dental treatment and even our own dental health. Can you recall your first dental visit? Was it a pleasant one, or was is traumatic?
Whether our fear of the dentist is deep-rooted in our earliest experiences or in our overall psychological make-up, the essential step to recovery is to break the cycle of trauma associated with dental visits.
If you wait to see a dentist until you have a toothache, you run the risk of facing a root canal treatment or an extraction. If you never see the same dentist twice, you do not give yourself a chance to develop a trusting relationship before you require any major dental work. The unfamiliarity of seeing a new dentist when you have a toothache is often more uncomfortable and worrying than the treatment itself.
If you see a dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings, and give yourself time to get to know the person treating you, you will feel more comfortable in the dentist’s hands. You may not come into the office skipping with joy, but you will slowly get used to the idea of receiving regular dental care (and avoid toothaches and major dental work).
I often see anxious patients, and can offer guidance to make your dental visit a more comfortable one. The most important thing to consider is that, as a healthcare professional, my number one priority is your well-being. My dental team takes your health into our hands and we achieve this through education, continuous support and reassurance. We walk you through all the steps, take our time, and ease you into a routine where all you’ll need from us is a six month check-up and cleaning.
To learn more about overcoming dental anxiety or to schedule your first dental visit, please visit Dr. Josh Berd at www.JoshTheDentist.com
Monday, May 2, 2011
The Health Benefits of Vitamin C
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
How to Make Low Fat Nachos
Everyone loves nachos. They are a great snack when you want to watch the big game, or just enjoy a movie. Nachos that people usually make contain a lot of fat due to the cheese, avocado, and even sour cream in some cases. Today I am going to show you how to make great tasting nachos that are both healthy and delicious.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
How To Make Grilled Vegetables in Foil
Monday, April 25, 2011
Whiten Your Teeth With Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda
Many products have become available to whiten your teeth, and most of them are really expensive. You can even schedule a teeth whitening appointment with your dentist to get it done, but this too can cost a pretty penny. There have been a number of sites around the Internet selling the cost effective method of whitening your teeth with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. I will show you how to do it on this post at no cost to you. This will help you and your family save big bucks, and keep everyone's teeth white! Here is how you do it step by step...
- The first step is to make sure you brush your teeth with your favorite tooth paste and make sure you rinse really good.
- Get a disposable cup, a box of baking soda, and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
- Spoon in 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Next add 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Keep adding baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide until it turns into a white pasty consistency similar to toothpaste.
- If you want you can add a drop of your favorite toothpaste so that it has a better flavor. It doesn't taste the greatest, but the results are phenomenal.
- Brush your teeth with the paste like you would any other tooth paste with your tooth brush. Make sure you scrub good on the teeth that need to be the whitest.
- Rinse your mouth out thoroughly so that you have no paste left in your mouth.
- Repeat these steps once a week.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Oral Piercings and Dental Health

Oral piercings have become quite common. In my San Francisco dental practice, I have seen patients with barbells and hoops, in their lips, tongues, cheeks and even frenum. Because of the unique features of the oral environment, these locations require special attention. Unlike other body piercings, oral piercings are under continual stress from bacteria in the mouth, contamination from food and drinks, irritation from chewing and hitting against teeth.
Piercings are made from a wide selection of materials, including gold, stainless steel, titanium, plastics, and nickel. Titanium and plastics are the most body friendly, while nickel may cause allergic reactions and steel may damage teeth.
Complications from oral piercings include injury and recession of gums, chipping and cracking of teeth and restorations (such as crowns and veneers), as well as infections from food impaction in the piercing site. A tongue piercing can act as a ‘wrecking ball’ and fracture teeth, particularly the front incisors.
Caring for oral piercings includes using antiseptic, alcohol-free mouthwash in additional to regular brushing and flossing of teeth.
For additional questions please contact Dr. Josh Berd at joshberd@gmail.com
Learn more about Dr. Berd at www.JoshTheDentist.com
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Flaxseed The Most Powerful Plant Food On The Planet
There are many benefits when it comes to consuming flax seeds. Flax seed is a very interesting product. It was cultivated in Babylon as early as 3000 BC by King Charlemagne. At one point he announced that he wanted every single one of the people that worked for him to eat it. This was a very long time ago. Charlemagne even believed that flax seeds contained magical properties. Scientists in recent times are now concurring with his beliefs of this amazing power food. There has been a number of products that are now listing flax, or flax seeds on their ingredients to get people to buy them to stay healthy. Scientists have found that Flax seeds can help people fight diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, breast cancer, and other forms of cancer. Lets talk about some of the things that flax seeds contain...
- They contain essential Omega-3 fatty acids, which is the same thing that is in fish oil. This is the good fat that is proven to be healthy for your heart.
- They also contain lignans which contain anti-oxidant properties and even plant estrogen. Flax seed contains more than 800 times more lignans than other plant based foods.
- Flax seed also contains both soluble and insoluble types of fiber. This is great for the digestive system and keeping you healthy also.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Dangers and Benefits of Fluoride in Our Drinking Water

There is a growing amount of concern over the dangers of fluoride in our drinking water. I commonly have inquiries from parents who are overwhelmed by the amount of conflicting information about fluoride on the internet. Some sources present fluoride as a wonder cure for cavities, while others warn of its damaging effects on teeth and bone. In order to make an informed decision about fluoride, I’ve compiled answers to some commonly asked questions.
Are we getting too much fluoride in drinking water?
Department of Health and Human Services, (with support from the California Dental Association) has recently changed the recommended optimal ratio of fluoride to water in community water systems to 0.7 parts per million. The previous optimal ratio ranged from 0.7 to 1.2 ppm. The CDA states that the current levels are safe and beneficial, although with the increasing amount of dental products on the market, including fluoride toothpaste and mouth rinse, it is important to monitor your child’s fluoride intake. Over-fluoridation can lead to 'dental-fluorosis'.
Signs we are getting too much?
One sign of over-fluoridation is ‘dental fluorosis’ which appears as white spots or markings on the enamel of the tooth. ‘Dental fluorosis’ is most commonly merely a cosmetic issue and serves no harm to the actual tooth. In rare cases of severe over-fluoridation, teeth can appear mottled and brown. These cases are most often not caused by government monitored drinking water, but rather polluted water sources.
Is it safe for kids?
The consensus form the scientific and dental community is that water fluoridating at the recommended level is safe and provides oral health benefits. Simply by drinking water, children and adults can benefit from fluoridation's cavity protection. Fortifying water with fluoride is similar to fortifying milk with Vitamin D. Fluoride is a mineral that becomes incorporated into the tooth, thus strengthening it. Fluoride is a proven safe and effective way to prevent dental disease—reducing the amount of tooth decay in children by 20-40%.
For additional questions please contact Dr. Josh Berd at joshberd@gmail.com
Learn more about Dr. Josh Berd at www.JoshTheDentist.com
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
How To Make Healthy Vegetable Soup
Vegetable soup is a very easy way to cook a healthy meal for yourself or your whole family. I love making vegetable soup myself, so that I can include only the ingredients I feel like eating that day. You can only get canned vegetable soup in only so many ways. My favorite canned soup while we are on the topic, is Progresso brand. Progresso comes in many different flavors, and they also have the kind that has extra fiber. This is a very quick and easy way to change your diet and lose weight, without starving your taste buds. In this article I will be showing you how to make your own vegetable soup.
- Prepare your vegetables by chopping up all of the vegetables that you wish to include in the soup.
- Sauté the vegetables in a stock pan, and make sure to put in the tablespoon of olive oil. Set this on a low heat. Make sure you cook them for about 3-4 minutes. Add mushrooms (if you are including them) and cook for another 2 minutes.
- Add all of the water from the ingredients, all of the bullion cubes, your potatoes (if you have any), and all all of the spices. Bring the water to a boil. After the water is boiling you can go ahead and reduce the heat to low, and cover with the lid. You should boil everything until the potatoes are soft (or about 15 minutes). It is recommended that you add the parsley right before the potatoes are completely done, but this is not necessary.
- Now it is time to add the final ingredients. Add the tomatoes, and don't forget to add the beans if you are adding any. Now you can bring the water back to a boil.
- After the souped has boiled for about 1 minute your soup is ready! Server as-is, or you can add crackers, though that doesn't make it as healthy as eating the soup by itself. Crackers have a lot of sodium.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Kava Kava Is Another Great Natural Remedy for Insomnia and Anxiety
Kava has been used for thousands of years in the South Pacific Islands to treat both anxiety and Insomnia. Kava has been found to thin the blood much like alcohol. Make sure that you aren't taking blood thinners, or blood clotting medication, because Kava may interfere with your health. Kava is still a great natural way to combat insomnia and anxiety. You can buy Kava tea, or make it yourself from the leaves. There are many videos on YouTube about how to do this. Another common way people take Kava is in capsule form. You can buy these capsules anywhere like at a whole foods store, and even Walgreens. I have taken Kava Kava and I have found that it is a little more powerful that Valerian Root. I usually take about 6 valerian root every morning to combat my anxiety. I don't recommend you do this if you are just starting valerian root, but I do have anxiety problems. I have found that I can get the same effect by taking 4 Kava capsules. This is great! I recommend everyone try Kava that has an insomnia problem. I can deal with my anxiety much better by being on Kava. Just don't take too much, because you could want to fall asleep during the day.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Valerian Root Helps with Anxiety And Insomnia
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
How to Make Your Own Great Tasting Protein Shake
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Are 5 Hour Energy Shots Good For You?
I have had a lot of experience with different types of energy drinks and energy shots. The question is though are they good for you? Energy shots come in a lot of different brands now a days, and even Red Bull who only used to make energy drinks, has now diversified into the energy shot business. These energy shots are easier to slam down compared to the standard energy drink. Most energy drinks are carbonated which doesn't make drinking them any easier. This is why energy shots were born. Most energy shots contain about 200 milligrams of caffeine which is about as much as 2 cups of coffee, depending on the coffee. They also have 100 milligrams of taurine, which is an amino acid. They also have loads of B vitamins that are in the form of niacin. This causes a flushed feeling in a lot of people and might even make their faces turn red. Don't worry this is rare, and doesn't happen to everyone. Some energy shots might contain green tea, or gaurana as an added boost. Taking all of these in conjunction might not be wise, especially if done in excess. Some people even mix these drinks with alcohol hoping they will offset the drowsiness that comes with drinking alcohol so they can drink more. This is also a bad idea because of the side effects. It is also easy to forget how many shots of energy you have had while you are drinking, not to mention you might over do it on the alcohol. Either way you look at it this has the potential for disaster. Some of the side effects of drinking these energy shots is that you could have mood changes, nervousness, and insomnia with every single energy shot you take. I usually don't like to take an energy shot after 3pm because I am always afraid I won't be able to sleep. As long as you do that you should be fine. Any energy shot taken after 3pm has the possibility of making you not be able to sleep that night. I have known people though that can take 3 energy shots a day and never have trouble sleeping. I guess this depends on how your body handles all of these ingredients. Some people can handle it, other people get jittery and nervous. It is also proven that energy shots can make you have an irregular heart beat. This is scary enough for some people not to want to take it. You should know though that the irregular heart beat comes with being nervous. The more nervous you are, the more irregular your heart will beat. This I believe is obvious. Some people have also reported that they get nausea while taking these shots. If you can handle lots of caffeine and you know your body though, this could be avoided. Some people can handle caffeine better than others, and most of these side effects are a direct result of the caffeine amount. If you have high blood pressure, you might also notice a spike in your blood pressure reading. This however is pretty normal with caffeine in general. Something that is pretty serious though is if you have too much vitamin B6 (which is present in most of these shots) on a regular basis, you could be looking at nerve damage. This has been proven.
So are energy shots good for you? It depends on you. If you are pregnant it might not be a good idea. If you can't handle a lot of caffeine or have high blood pressure, you could also feel these side effects more than others. Me I love caffeine and this cuts the time of making coffee out of my morning, and it doesn't generate as much bad breathe like coffee. Just listen to your body, never take more than 1 shot of energy unless you know how your body is going to react to it. After you know, I wouldn't exceed 2 shots a day. Try to find other sources of energy because too much of this can't be a good thing. Green tea is still an excellent way to start your morning.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Health Information About Red Bull
I have been drinking Red Bull for years to give me a sort of boost. There is always someone in my daily life that sees me drinking Red Bull and quickly says, "that stuff is bad for you". Of course, when asked why, they have no idea. I figured I would let you know some things I have researched. First lets talk about Taurine. I have heard from some people that taurine is a cancer causing ingredient. This I believe is totally untrue and is totally only speculation. Taurine is an amino acid that is naturally produced by the body. It would be interesting to know if the taurine that is in Red Bull is a natural form of taurine, or a synthetic version of the amino acid. However, even if it was synthetic, there is no evidence that this is a cancer causing element, or carcinogen. Many people that work out and are trying to lose weight, take taurine before their workout. This is to give them an added boost, in their fight against weight gain. I don't believe that this is a dangerous chemical, most amino acids are good for you. Red Bull also contains caffeine. Some people take caffeine already in a dietary supplement, and drinking Red Bull on top of that, could make your heart beat super fast like a marathon runner. This usually scares a lot of people, caffeine mixed with the other stimulants in Red Bull really perk you up. Caffeine is easily handled by most people, however, there are those people that have a little bit of caffeine and start having panic attacks, because they don't know how to deal with the dose they have taken. This is the last thing you want to happen, especially if you are at work. Its not that caffeine that is bad for you, but if you go into a panic mode, and you are actually scared, then you should probably go easy on caffeine. Remember, there are coffee and tea drinkers around the world that are addicted, so don't fool yourself, caffeine can be very addicting, and if you are hooked, could alter your mood drastically. There has been some research that carbonated drinks could weaken your bones, and even eat away at your stomach lining. There is not enough research however to make an informed decision about this though. You should however be safe, rather than being sorry. Try to keep your carbonated drinks down to a minimum. Red Bull also contains vitamins. They are mostly vitamin B group vitamins, and some of them are 100% of your daily value in one serving. Be careful though, people can overdose on vitamins and it will make your day very unpleasant, this is something to think about if you are taking vitamins already, especially B group vitamins. Red Bull also contains Niacin. In high doses this could cause an itching sensation around your neck and shoulders and could make your face look and feel flushed. Different people react to Niacin differently. That is pretty much all I have to say about Red Bull. Even though people continue to say its bad, I still indulge from time to time. I have had 1 Red Bull a day for about 2 years and I have been fine. I am not addicted, if anything I just need a way to get caffeine into my system and fast! The other things that come along inside a Red Bull are not dangerous, and aren't harmful if taken alone. I don't see how they would be more harmful if combined. Remember, like with alcohol and coffee, I believe moderation is key.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
How to Make Homemade Macaroni and Cheese
- First you want to preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- If you can, use a stock pot, or just cook the pasta in any pot that you can boil water in. Boil them in salted water until they become tender, and soft. Drain the water from the pasta, and set the pasta aside.
- Now in a separate sauce pan melt 1/3 of the butter over medium heat, and add the onions. Cook this for about 2 minutes.
- Now this step is probably the hardest part. Add the flour and white pepper into the sauce pan. Keep stirring this for about 4 minutes. It is important not to let the flour brown, if it does lower the heat, and keep cooking for 4 minutes.
- Now add the mustard and the milk to the sauce pan, and bring the sauce to a simmer. Simmer the sauce for 10-15 minutes. If your cheese sauce gets too thick, then add some more milk. Once you have cooked it for at least 10 minutes go ahead and add all of the grated cheeses. Make sure to reserve half of the Parmesan, because its not needed yet.
- Shut off the heating element on your stove, and stir the sauce melting the cheese and mixing everything well. Keep stirring the sauce until all the cheese melts. If you think it needs a bit more heat heat it up a bit more.
- Once the cheese is fully melted you can toss it around with the pasta. Make sure you toss it in there good, so that the sauce can get inside the pasta tubes. Make sure you do this step quickly you don't want the cheese getting hard on you while your mixing it.
- Once its mixed together to your liking place it all into a 11 x 14 inch ceramic or glass baking dish.
- Sprinkle the remaining Parmesan cheese on top that you saved from earlier.
- Melt the butter that you have left from the ingredients, and stir in the breadcrumbs listed in the ingredients. Sprinkle this mixture over the pasta.
- Bake for about 30 minutes until the top is golden brown.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
How to Make Homemade Tomato Soup
Monday, February 21, 2011
Heart Attacks Linked to Untreated Gum Disease

Untreated gingivitis (gum inflammation) can lead to an overgrowth of bacteria P. gingivalis in the mouth. This harmful type of bacteria can reach your bloodstream, and potentially damage blood vessels and cause blood clots—factors that contribute to heart attacks. In fact, scientific research shows a link between untreated gum disease and heart attacks.
Preventative dentistry, such as regular dental cleanings (every 6 months) in addition to flossing and brushing twice daily can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Tip: Finish your meals with a high fiber food. Eating a carrot or apple can help scrape the plaque and bacteria off your teeth and gums!
For additional questions please contact Dr. Josh Berd at joshberd@gmail.com Learn more about Dr. Josh Berd at www.joshthedentist.com
How To Make Healthy Hard Boiled Eggs
Hard boiled eggs are a great source of protein that is really easy to make and prepare. I love hard boiled eggs sprinkled with pepper. Some people like their hard boiled eggs with salt. This is ok, but having too much salt is bad for you. Try to go easy on the salt as much as you can. The yolks are good too, however they have loads of cholesterol. I wouldn't eat more than 4 in a day. The whites are very good for you, and thats where most of the protein is. Lets run through real quick how to make these delicious treats that mostly everyone enjoys!
- Make sure that you DON'T use the freshest eggs. I would use some eggs that are 4 or 5 days old. Make sure though you still keep them in your refrigerator. When I say they should be 4 or 5 days old I mean in your fridge. If you leave them out of the cold for that long they will go bad, and they will be disgusting. The reason why you want eggs that are a little older is because that way when they are done cooking they will be easier to peel. Fresh farm bought eggs, if cooked right away, are incredibly hard to peel.
- Put your eggs into a big enough pan so that you can fill it with water, and it will cover the whole egg. You don't want a pan that doesn't cover all of your eggs. Fill it with water, and put it over the stove and slowly bring the water to a boil. The faster you boil the water, the more likely you are to crack the eggs while they are cooking. Some people like to add vinegar to help with the eggs from cracking while they are cooking, however I have found that it affects the taste, and I am not much of a vinegar fan. Instead I use a little bit of salt. This way not only does it help with the flavor, but it also helps with boiling the water.
- Once the water is boiling, lower the temperature of the stove or if you have an electric stove that has a heating element, its probably best that you remove it from the heat for a few seconds. Once the temperature is lowered to a simmer, let the eggs cook for a about a minute.
- Now that you have done this, remove the pan from the heat, and cover. Leave it covered for an additional 12 minutes. The eggs will cook in the residual heat that is still in the pan. Depending on how many eggs you have cooking it could take longer. The best thing to do is in advance cook a couple more eggs than you really want, this way if you are impatient, you can always pull an egg out to see if it is fully cooked.
- Once the eggs are cooked, you can place them in the refridgerator and make sure they are eaten within 5 days. Thats how long they taste great for. Make sure when storing them in the fridge that you store them in a container that can be covered. Eggs can release odors, and if they go bad, it is one of the foulest smells ever!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
How To Make a Bloody Mary More Healthy
Bloody Marys are not that good for you. They come loaded with tons of calories and a high amount of sodium. I have learned great ways to make your bloody Mary more healthy and I would like to share some of those ways with you. You can enjoy Bloody Marys, just make sure you prepare them the right way or you could be killing yourself slowly (just kidding, but they aren't as great for you as you think). Its already bad enough it has alcohol in it....oh who are we kidding thats the best part! At least if you make it more healthy you won't feel so guilty about it.
- Stay away from store bought mixes. Make your own tomato juice if you can. You can also find some tomato juice that has no added salt or sodium. This is key. The salt, and chile salt powder like Lucas (if you add those) are more than enough salt already. Those bloody mary mixes that they sell at Kroger and other stores like HEB, comes with loads of unnecessary sodium, and some times they have loads of sugar. Making your own tomato juice is really your best bet.
- Don't just add celery as a garnish. Get creative, if you have your own juicer or emulsifier, you can even juice all the vegetables together along with the tomato juice. I have heard of people adding things like asparagus, broccoli, spinach, and even okra. Trust me it will taste great, and it makes the drink way more healthy for you, by giving you more of your daily serving of vegetables.
- Adding more veggies is the obvious way to make it more healthy, but something you probably haven't thought of is to add more protein. Some cubes of cheese are good for this also shrimp, bacon, or crab meat. Those all go well with your new bloody mary concoction. Add what sounds good to you, no sense in ruining your drink with ingredients you don't like. The key here is to drink it, and maybe even drink a lot of it! While being responsible of course.
- Here is one I bet you haven't heard...Instead of using Vodka, use the Asian alcohol called Shochu. This tastes almost exactly like Vodka, except it has way less calories. No alcohol is good for you, but moderation, and occasional drinking is good for anybodies spirit! The less calories the better!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Easy and Quick Herb Roasted Tomatoes Recipe
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Healing Power of Music
Most people when they are sick they take many trips to different doctors and specialists trying to figure out whats wrong with them. Sometimes the solution to your problem is a lot easier than you think. It has been proven that sometimes there is no better way to stimulate all your senses and emotions than music. It has even been proven that classical music helps plants grow. Pregnant mothers that are sick or are having a rough pregnancy found that listening to music has really helped them with anxiety, and complications in their pregnancy. This is because it is good for their child too. They also have fewer physiological responses associated with different types of labor pains. It is also a great way to sooth a child after it has been born. Scientists are still figuring out just how powerful the power of music really is. Music is a very powerful tool in altering our moods and soothing our psyche. I think this is just another thing that our ancient ancestors would do that we some how lost touch with. Not all types of music are good for you and sooth the soul. Try listening to feel good music like classical, or even some great classics such as "Bill Withers - Lean on Me", or "Elton John - Tiny Dancer". It is a common mistake that many people that like listening to rock music, heavy metal, and rap or hip/hop start cranking it up to 11 and think they are going to feel better. That kind of music might help if you like it, but generally speaking it won't have any health benefits to those around you. Bob Marley is another great artist that is good to listen to when you are feeling blue. Remember music is a great alternative to anti-depressant medicines, and other forms of medicine that have to do with pain. You would be surprised how much music can alter your mood if you listen to the right song. When I say listen to the right song, I mean listening to the song that is right for you. People that have recovered from cancer will tell you, music is something they enjoy, and you should too. Next time you are feeling down in the dumps, or sick, try turning up a great song that you haven't listened to in a while. See if that makes you feel better, before you start shoving pills down your throat.