Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Getting a Facelift - Is It Right For You?

Many people consider getting a face lift operation done. There are many alternatives to this surgery but how do you know if getting a face lift is right for you? A face lift is a very easy surgery. If you do consider getting a face lift then you should know that if you have health complications or heart problems, then it is probably not a good idea. They definitely have to put you to sleep and that may not be something that is right for you. Sure many people do it anyways to look healthy or even to improve their self esteem but sometimes the risks out weight the benefits. Before jumping into a decision don't even take my word for it, make sure you talk to your doctor to make sure it is an option for you. This operation will tighten the skin on your face and change the way your skin fits around your facial bone structures.

There are many ways that a facelift can improve your appearance and give you that youthful look. You should know that everyone has different problem areas and you might want to reconsider whenever possible if you aren't showing that many signs of aging. Sometimes it is better to wait until you have multiple problem areas such as sagging skin under your chin, bags or droopy eyes, and a lot of wrinkles. If you only have 1 of these problems then your best bet is to wait until you have more issues. You don't want to be caught in a loop getting multiple face lift surgeries later in life. Many celebrities have been caught in this loop and end up causing serious damage to their face, all in the name of beauty. Some of these celebrities look absolutely horrible. Your goal is to have 1 facelift you don't want to keep coming back. Here are some of the ways you can improve your face with a face lift.

  • Does your mid section of your face sag? This is due to low collagen levels that cause your skin to sag. 
  • Do you have deep creases or wrinkles under your eye lids? This can cause you to look older and even unhealthy.
  • Do you have deep creases running from the corners of your mouth to your nose? This can be fixed easily and can make a dramatic impact on your appearance.
  • Do you have a great deal of loose skin anywhere on your face? Specifically under your chin? This can cause you to look overweight and really unhealthy. This can all be taken care of with a face lift.
  • The muscle tone of the lower areas of your face can change over time. If you have this problem it can most definitely be fixed with a facelift.
If you have one or more of the problems listed above then a facelift might be a good idea. Especially if you have spent a fortune on expensive "age defying" beauty products that just aren't cutting it. Remember though, it is always a good idea to talk to your regular doctor before going straight to the plastic surgeon. That way if you have any other health problems that might get in the way, you can avoid them by following your doctor's instructions.

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