Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Staying Fit and Eating Healthy Also Helps Overall Mental Health

So many people wait until they are faced with a health problem before they start becoming physically healthy and start making healthy eating choices. What most people don't know is that being healthy can also greatly increase your happiness and overall mood. So many people nowadays are taking anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication because they feel that they have a chemical imbalance in their brains, while at the same time don't have healthy eating habits and don't workout at all. I believe that just a small change at first, might make you reconsider the benefits of being healthy and staying healthy. Don't wait until you have a medical condition! Get out there and enjoy life! Stay healthy and eat will be happy that you did. Here are a few tips to get started on your road to not only being more healthy but also having a better outlook on life, without needing all those "feel good" medications that doctors try to shove down our throats. Here are some tips to get started living a healthy lifestyle. Remember start off with small changes and work it into your daily routine. Don't try to kill yourself and over working out. The next day might discourage you from doing in the long run because your body isn't used to it yet. It is best to ease yourself into a routine that you will enjoy and gradually increase your energy level.

Setting your mind doing something healthy you like to do
The first thing you should do is decide what it is you think you would enjoy doing. You don't have to run 3 miles a day, especially if you are starting out. You are only going to wake up super sore and in pain. That is no way to start a healthy routine. Instead think of something that you already enjoy doing, but just don't do enough of. Some examples would be running, jogging, walking your favorite park, yoga, lifting weights or riding a bike. Just remember starting out you need to start small. Set small goals and increase your goals after  a couple of weeks.

Changing your lifestyle
It is not always about exercising. Try to make lifestyle changes that are healthy for you such as quitting smoking, doing healthy eating habits, and being more active in your day. For example if you work a desk job, and you tend to eat your lunch at your desk try eating lunch on the go, or going to a healthy place to eat your lunch. If it is close, don't drive your car try walking. That way you are getting a mini work out as well. Also drinking energy drinks is a big no-no. They have tons of sugar and sodium that are both terrible if you are trying to stay healthy. Especially the dreaded Redbull. I know they work, but they just are not good for you. Try drinking a 5 hour energy instead. It has less sugar, and it even has some vitamins. Ginseng, and green tea are also a healthy energy alternative. Don't forget to drink lots of water. It does a body good to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Getting plenty of rest
Many people push themselves to hard in this regard. Remember you are not a superhero. Sleep is a good thing. I have heard many people tell me that are hard workers that "They will sleep when they are dead" etc etc. This is not a good way to think. Your body needs 7-8 hours of rest every night. Try to make that one of your goals. A body that gets good rest will put you in a great mood just in itself. It will also help keep that routine going. Don't downplay the need to get plenty of rest. It refreshes the mind, body and soul.

Body work
Have you ever thought about meditation? This is great for the body and spirit. This also helps with increasing your overall good mood. If that doesn't work for you try yoga, or a deep tissue massage. This is great for the body and the soul. It will also help you while you are being more active.

Try to lower your stress level
It is a proven fact that stress can kill you. Try not to let things get to you. Blow it off. Take a deep breath and even try to blow off steam by walking a few blocks around your house. You will be surprised how much your mood increases by finding ways to vent your stress. Nothing is worth dwelling on the negative. Try to find the positive side of things. Stay away from medication. Try to find a healthy way to increase your mood that is all natural. Stress is a hard thing to deal with, but in time you will find healthy natural ways to combat the things that stress you out the most.

I hope you take some of my advice and find a good routine that works for you. All of us are different and some things work well for others than they might for you. I have faith in you my friend. Want to change, once you do, the people that care about you the most, and even your boss at work will notice the difference. Maybe you will get that long overdue promotion. Take care! Love and light! Leave comments and let me know what you think!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Leave the NOT POSSIBLE, behind!

Success is not a far off dream that you cannot attain.Success is not a dream that doesn’t happen.
Success is not a “maybe”.... Success is leaving that, "NOT POSSIBLE" behind. Turn all of the obstacles into stepping stones.Get out of your own way, sometimes you are the biggest reason things have not changed. Never accept defeat.Get excited.Think big.Make it happen.Be part of the one percent that DO IT! Leaving behind the people or the things that make you believe that your dreams are not possible....can be a very tough thing to do. Obstacles come in all kinds of forms. I have really had my share of obstacles, too many to write on here and honestly, I really do not want to focus on them anymore. Learn to use the things that trip you up as a tool to get higher to your ultimate goals and dreams. It does not matter what town you are from, it does not matter what family you had or did not have, it does not matter who has come against you, what matters is that you make a choice today to never be the same. Look to the future. Know that the plans and purposes are planted deep in your heart and it is up to you to fulfill them and get out of your own way.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Finding Gluten Free Makeup

There is an increasing number of people developing gluten allergies. The options are starting to improve in finding makeup and wellness products that are gluten free. A great option and good company that makes gluten free products, is Arbonne. Arbonne is known to have pure, safe, and beneficial ingredients. One great thing is that their products are gluten free and vegan (no animal products). If you want to know more information, I am a distributor and can tell you more. See my site at :
Arbonne offers weight loss, skincare, makeup, and a variety of wellness products.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mean what you say....and say what you mean!

Words....they have the power to heal, motivate,and encourage. Words.....also have the power to destroy, tear down, and cripple. I find it astounding how loosely people speak to each other sometimes in relationships. As if the words they say will be quickly forgiven or looked past in an instant. It just isn't true. I have been married for several years, married into a family where words have been thrown around like a volleyball their entire lives. I see how it destroys children, makes disrespectful teenagers, and poor intimate relationships. I have seen how people can truly hurt others with their communication. I can see how generations will be affected by the actions of today. It is very important to treat people in your life with deep respect and mutual admiration. Your children will see how you relate and become the mirror image of you. Generations always reap what you sow.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Health Master- Cancer and Nutrition

Jillian McKee

Complementary Medicine Advocate

Bringing a wealth of personal and professional experience to the organization, Jillian McKee has worked as the Complementary Medicine Advocate at the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance since June of 2009. Jillian spends most her time on outreach efforts and spreading information about the integration of complementary and alternative medicine when used in conjunction with traditional cancer treatment.

Family Members Can Help Cancer Patients by Planning Healthy Meals

It is well known that food plays an important role in a person’s health.  People who eat fatty foods that are high in starches, sugars, saturated fats, and artificial flavors are prone to being overweight, having less energy, and high blood pressure and cholesterol issues.  While it is important for any person to maintain a healthy diet to increase quality of life, it is even more so important for cancer patients to eat foods that are nutritious and healthy.  

Family members can support their loved one with cancer by helping to prepare meals for the person.  Many times, people with cancer receive nutrition information from their physicians or oncologists that they are to try to incorporate healthy foods into their daily diets.  These foods often consist of meals and snacks that include high quantities of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, citrus, and nuts.  If a person is very ill from the disease, or from the treatments of cancer, it can be a physical strain to try to find energy to prepare healthy meals.  

Friends and family members who have loved ones who are battling cancer can be a big support by creating healthy recipes and meals that are loaded in calcium, protein, and high in fiber.  Many fruits and vegetables have helpful antioxidants in them that give people who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or any other form of cancer, an edge for extra energy and strength when it comes to coping with cancer.  It is vital that a person battling cancer keep up as much physical strength as possible so the person can maintain the rounds of treatment that are necessary to defeat the disease.

By pre-packaging snacks such as fruits and nuts and putting them in the person’s refrigerator, family members can provide a great source of help to their loved one.  It is common for people with cancer to lack energy enough that they feel too tired to eat, let alone try to find the strength to prepare healthy meals themselves.  

This often results in a person eating quick and easy foods that are loaded in sugar and fats that do not provide proper nutrition for the cancer patient.  Water, lemon-flavored natural drinks, small amounts of coffee, salads loaded with eggs, cheese, nuts, and diced vegetables are very beneficial to people who are trying to gain strength as they undergo cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, prescription pills, and radiation.

The Food Domain is an educational resource site that lists multiple topics on nutrition for people battling major diseases such as cancer and diabetes.  They provide contemporary recipe suggestions for healthy foods, as well as detailed nutrition topics that can benefit people who are preparing meals for people with cancer.

By: Jillian Mckee:  Of The Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance